How Cape Town can replicate virtually anywhere in the world

Beccy Kellond, Partner at Moonlighting, talks Subway in LBBonline. Crazy, ambitious and authentic… I would say this is the new normal of production services, and we thrive on it. Moonlighting recently shot a globetrotting Subway commercial with Mark Zibert and the Scouts Honour team for Dentsu Creative Canada – a jewel of an ad that […]

How this Canadian Airline celebrated the way one dream can inspire another

Featured in LBBonline Air Canada’s John Xydous and the team from FCB Toronto on what it took to create an Olympic and Paralympic spot that celebrated the interconnectivity of dreams, and the journeys they take us on, writes LBB’s Jordan Won Neufeldt “our production partners made sure every prop, location and wardrobe piece was on […]

Why Subway Canada Celebrated its New Menu with a Globetrotting Adventure

Featured in LBBonline  Dentsu Creative Canada’s Tyler Copoc and Maryanne Tenaglia, and Subway Canada’s Lisa Mazurkewich on the brand’s new ‘Globally Inspired’ menu, and why depicting a chef going on a wild, worldly trip was the right way to highlight it, writes LBB’s Jordan Won Neufeldt “To be honest, shooting in Cape Town made it […]

Celebrating the crew behind the service: up close & personal with our chaperones in 3 short films

Ask any South African producer which crew they call first when a job is looking likely. Right up there with the Art Director, DP and other key crew are the chaperones – and that’s if the client hasn’t already called them. It’s not surprising when you consider…

DIOR: Charlize Theron interviews CTAOP scholars in celebration of International Womens’ Day

We were proud to work with Capisco (Paris) & Dior – partner of the Charlize Theron Africa Outreach Project (CTAOP) – to capture this inspiring conversation a few weeks ago between Charlize Theron and 2 of the CTAOP scholars Chevario and Nokwanda in celebration of #internationalwomensday.

Art in Lockdown: Frans Marais and Karen Germishuys’ art recreations are pure genius

Breathtakingly inspired recreations of art have been emerging daily from the home of Dreamcatcher’s Frans Marais and Karen Germishuys as they treat us to their #artchallenges. From Vladimir Tretchikoff’s “Lonely Clowns” complete with vuvuzela to Holbein’s “The Ambassadors” or Chagall’s “Over the Town” with the gloriously detailed landscape made of groceries, they are quite simply, genius.


337 Lower Main Road
Cape Town
South Africa 7925


337 Lower Main Road
Cape Town
South Africa 7925


337 Lower Main Road
Cape Town
South Africa 7925