You need to know that your production is a safe one. To put your minds at ease, here’s how we shoot responsibly.   

Safety Protocols: The South African Commercial Producers Association (CPA) developed a strict set of Safety Protocols for production almost immediately after our initial nationwide lockdown. Film production within South Africa has been greenlit since May 2020 and our crew and teams are well-practised in working with the protocols.

Numbers: Production carries on as per (new) normal with a few changes. Numbers of crew / cast on set or at basecamp are limited according to the size of the location, as determined by our Covid Safety Officers. Where necessary, we use more basecamps and shuttle people accordingly to ensure adequate social distancing.  

Safety Officers: We have official Covid Safety Officers on every set. They screen everyone on arrival and ensure that the protocols are strictly adhered to throughout the shoot. 

Masks: masks must be worn by everyone at all times.

Pre-production: takes on significant importance to ensure everything is in place and in accordance with the safety protocols, especially when we’re shooting on location.

Costs: Some of our clients have asked us about extra costs associated with the safety protocols. These vary according to the size and logistics of the shoot. We are happy to share the details with you, so please reach out to for more info.

Day to day life: Masks are mandatory for everyone when out in public, on set, in the office etc; everyone must sanitize their hands at the entrance to all shops, restaurants, public buildings etc. At Moonlighting, on arrival at he office, we ask you to wash your hands at the specially installed wash-basin by the front door and then we screen & log your temperature. Santizers are placed throughout the office.

Restaurants are open with tables positioned to allow social distancing. There is a general curfew between 12 midnight and 4am. This will not affect any shoot schedule as we will be able to get permits to waive this; you just need to be aware of it if you’re out in the evening. 

We’ll keep you updated should any of these measures change.

Feel free to get in touch any time if you’ve got questions or want us to quote on a board. We’re #reloaded

For questions or more info about any travel and visa requirements, contact Beccy at For production info and bids, contact Shayne at


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