One of the unexpected advantages of having the Cape Town Film Studio on our doorstep is the value that it adds to the Commercials Industry.
While it is obvious that vast studios are a requirement of long form production, it is in the backlots that commercials production service companies are finding great value. The cape town film studio was established 15 years ago and the feature film and TV series art departments have slowly added exterior sets some of which are taken over by the studio, stabilized for the longer term and made available to smaller productions. Our recent productions on these backlots have included a beach, marketplace, war zone, a castle, a musical, a cherry orchard in full blossom and huge green screen production. Scoll down to the images below to see a few of these.
It has been a while since the natural transition of South Africa morphing from a location only destination to one where visiting filmmakers take advantage of the extremely high levels of all production year round. cape town film studio has been the happy recipient of scores of Hollywood and independent productions that invariably leave well trained crews, new equipment and rigging ideas. We are currently in what Capetonians call the “secret season” (May and June) where the weather is milder, the rain has not yet started, the tourist trade has slowed, and crews are better rested.
2018/19 has been a good season.
The water problem of the previous year was not repeated and numbers are back where they should be. We are looking forward to the final wraps of the jobs done, some holiday time , the visits north to Cannes and other destinations and thanks to all who shared Cape Town with us this summer.